We will be sending offers on a rolling basis for 2025. We will notify all applicants when accommodation reaches full capacity. Offers will continue to be processed throughout 2024 and 2025, as cancellations may create additional spots.
Our policy is to process applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Your application will be considered based on your preferences, and an offer will be made if a spot becomes available in one of your chosen options.
You can check the status of your application by logging into the accommodation portal where you applied. If your application status is "Application Received," you are currently on the waitlist.
We will inform you of the outcome by sending an offer or notifying you when university accommodation is full. If you are unable to secure an offer, you will automatically be placed on the waitlist with the "Application Received" status.
Please ensure you check your registered email and the application portal regularly. Don’t forget to look in your spam/junk inbox as well. If you receive an offer, please be aware that there will be a deadline to accept it before it lapses.