Darlington House

All washing machines are serviced by Mini-Mat Laundries. Mini-Mat Laundries are very efficient and will attend to any issues in a timely manner. If you need to report an issue with your washing machine, please contact Mini-Mat on 1800 621 690. 

Abercrombie, Queen Mary and Regiment 

If there is a maintenance issue with a washing machine or an issue with the SydPay card reader, please alert reception and lodge a maintenance request explaining the issue. 

In the event that you are over charged for your laundry and require reimbursement please contact reception and they will assist you further.

Queen Mary Building

E: accommodation.qm@sydney.edu.au

P: +61 2 8024 9200

Abercrombie Student Accommodation

E: accommodation.asa@sydney.edu.au

P: +61 2 8024 9300

Regiment Building

E: accommodation.rg@sydney.edu.au

P: +61 2 9168 8400